Hey again,
I'm Arella!

Pronounced /uh-rel-uh/, kind of like umbrella!

I’m a neuroscientist turned design wizard. Ever since I swapped my lab coat for pixels, I’ve been strategically crafting products that are delightful, accessible, and meaningful.
Everything I build (including this portfolio) is crafted with care and reflects what our brains love to see.

↓ Scroll down to get to know me!

A portrait of Arella Yang

People matter most.


Craft delight that's accessible and ethical.


Cultivate familiarity and trust.


Always be curious and on the move!

Fun Facts

I’m allergic to my own dog... His name is Charlie and he's a 5 year old white lab!

I love to doodle and create videos :) you can check them out here!

In Brawl Stars, I run a competitive club team, ranked among the top 0.01% in the game's entire player base!